
Chesapeake High School Spring Craft Fair

Vendors Still Needed!

By Katy Myers February 8, 2015

Are you a crafter?  Do you make amazing things that would be perfect gifts for spring holidays like Easter and Mother's Day? Then sign right up for the Chesapeake High School 20th Annual Spring Craft Fair!

Chesapeake High School Instrumental Music Boosters will be hosting their 20
th Annual Spring Craft fair on March 28, 2015.  This event draws crafters and miscellaneous vendors from all over Maryland.  The Spring fair is traditionally held two Saturdays prior to the Easter Sunday Holiday.  

The Instrumental Boosters held their first craft fair over 25 years ago in the Fall which is held the Saturday before Thanksgiving. The event was so successful each autumn that the Boosters began a Spring event 5 years later.   The Spring and Fall craft fairs serve as an anchor in the Booster’s annual fundraising event offerings.  All proceeds from the vendor fees as well as concession stand profits go directly to the CHS Instrumental Music Program funding everything from sheet music, to instruments, to uniforms for the students.   CHS continues to support a State Champion Class I Open competitive Marching Band and an award winning Concert band, Orchestra, and Jazz ensembles.  Students support their school and peers by providing  music for athletic events through the PEP band.  Through the generous support of the community, the work of the Booster parents, and the support of an excellent Teaching and administrative staff at CHS, students continue to have a variety of musical opportunities both in and after school.  

The Spring craft features variety of crafters offering wood crafts, soaps and cosmetics, aromatherapy, candles, country crafts, florals, needlecrafts, ceramics,  glassware, jewelry, handmade confections,  baked goods,  hand painter Easter Eggs and more. The talents of over 50 vendors are featured with plenty to see at this fabulous event. The Craft fairs are open to the public with free admission and plenty of parking. 

Vendor spaces are available for $40.  Contact Monika at for inquiries.