
Dance Q & A with Avery: Register Your Child Today!

Sponsored by The Dance Center of Severna Park

By Nicollette Behm & Avery, Assistant Publishers, Macaroni Kid Pasadena-Severna Park January 25, 2018

I have written before about how much I love the dance program at the Dance Center of Severna Park. That’s from a mom’s perspective…but what about some thoughts from the children who dance there? My daughter, Avery (4 years old) was happy to answer a few questions about her own experience.

Me:  What do your teachers teach you about at dance class?
Avery: They teach me passe, bourree, plie, relevee, and arabesque (Mom’s note: I had to google a few of those. Pretty impressive dance lingo for a four-year-old!)

Me:  What’s your favorite move to do in dance?
Avery: Pique because it’s the most simple move ever (Mom’s note: We obviously are not lacking confidence here!)

Me: What do you look forward to about going to dance class?
Avery: Seeing my friends and teachers Miss Lizzie and Miss Bailey. They are great at dancing and great tap shoe tiers.

Me: What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in dance class?
Avery: To be patient for the teacher to start the music.

Me:  Why do you love to dance?
Avery: Because I get to wear my beautiful skirts and dance like a real ballerina!

So there you have it…not only does mom love the Dance Center of Severna Park, but Avery does too. If you’re looking to enroll your child in a class, please check them out - You will be so happy with the experience!

Registration for classes for 4 ½-year-olds and older ends February 2nd, 2018. The Dance Center of Severna Park will be holding a spring session of I Can Dance classes for 3 and 4-year-olds. The spring session begins on March 7th with registration is open now.  Dance & Playdates are held monthly through May for 2 ½ to 5-year-olds. The link for class information and registration is