I don't know about you, but the start of the school year is bringing on all the feels over here. I mean, I'm usually pretty sappy this time of year, but man, this year is extra. I'm sad for all of the things our kids are missing: socialization, making new friends, in-person interaction with teachers and staff, even recess, and buying lunch and riding the bus. I'm sad I won't be able to volunteer in the classrooms as we start school. Let's be real, I'm sad for the alone time I'm never going to have. I'm anxious about the new technology and if they're going to miss out on learning opportunities and fall behind. We just finished our Meet the Teacher calls with the boys and about three minutes into the twins' call, our internet cut out and we missed the whole thing by the time we logged back in. Guys. This. Is. Gonna. Be. Hard.
I was talking to some friends today from school. Some have one child, some have four children, some have kids in the same school, some have kids in different schools. It's gonna be hard for all of us. We are all struggling right now. BUUUUUUTTTT, we have to remember, WE set the tone for our kids. We control the vibe in the house. If we let it get to us, it will get to them. If we let it roll off our shoulders, it'll roll of theirs too! So I made a cheat sheet for myself-and I'm sharing with you too! Click the image and you can download and print too. Keep it in your school area, at your desk, save it to your phone. Keep it close so that when you need a reminder of good vibes, you can just whip it out and spout something off the list. Even if you don't believe it at that moment, you can "fake it till you make it" and get your kids through a stressful time. You've got this!
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