
🍓 From A Local Nutritionist: Nutrition Tips For You & Your Kids

How To Help Your Children Get The Right Foods They Need For Optimal Health

By Raelynn Torzone, Guest Contributor March 16, 2022

At Natural Benefits in Annapolis, we help parents understand what the proper nutrition can do for their child’s behavior, ability to learn and their overall health.

Parents' Role

We see all the difficulties parents have when it comes to feeding their children. It is universal that parents have all the best interest in mind when it comes to their children’s health, but many do not know how to navigate the nutritional options in their child’s environment.

It is our hope that this short article can help guide parents to get a better understanding of food choices, not only for your children, but for yourselves as well. Healthy choices start with the parent--children will learn through the choices you make. 

At The Grocery Store 

You, the parent are in charge of buying the groceries, so if you do not buy bad food, they cannot eat bad food. So the more the parent gets educated on how to shop and what foods to avoid, the healthier your children will grow up, and they will have healthy parents as well.

Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is a good place to start. This is where you will find the healthiest foods. 

Good Vs. Bad Choices

Purchases should include organically grown, raw fruits and vegetables, organically raised and finished meats, fresh caught fish, healthy fats and oils. It is important to avoid canola oil, corn oil or grapeseed oils. Use organic olive oils, avocado and coconut oils to cook your food in. 

Kerry Gold butter, eggs and goat cheese or feta is OK, but we do not recommend dairy from cows.  Dairy causes a lot of breathing issues, allergies, skin problems, anxiety and trouble with concentration, which can lead to behavioral issues.

Use almond, oat or coconut milk to drink. Also, using a quality camels milk in children with behavioral problems or in children with autism can help calm them and help them focus better, and it aids in their digestion.

Healthy Alternatives For Everyday Foods

Avoid buying processed foods, cold cuts are toxic to the nervous system as are nitrates. Therefore, buy sandwich meats from companies like Applegate. Bacon or sausage should contain no natural or added nitrates, as these can affect the developing nervous system of a child.

Never use artificial sweeteners, as they are extremely toxic to the brain, and is often the culprit with bladder leakage issues and migraines in children and adults. If you need a sugar alternative, use maple syrup, honey or coconut sugar. 

Avoiding gluten and wheat products helps with gut issues. These are very inflammatory to the bowels due the toxins used in the farming and growing process.  Use products from European companies made with durum wheat, like pasta and flour. A valuable source would be local Italian markets that get their products from Italy.

A Fun Experiment With Your Kids

There are many studies that show, if given the choice, a child will choose fruit over candy or donuts if both are made available. Try this experiment at home: get some blackberries, blueberries, cut up strawberries, and some watermelon and place them on a table where the child can reach them. Then place donuts in the middle, but make it harder to reach, and see what your child does. 

You can also have fun showing your children that your pets will choose the good food over the bad. Hold a green bean in one hand and put a donut hole in the other and hold your hands as far apart as possible, then lower your hands down and see what your pet chooses. My dogs have never chosen the donut. They will eat the donut after they go for the green bean of course, but the point is that people and animals will naturally gravitate towards food that is good for them, provided it is readily available to eat.

More Tips

Unfortunately, school lunches are often very unhealthy. School aged children should either bring their own lunch to school, or parents should place restrictions on what the child is able to choose. 

This is some introductory information on helping your child eat better. For more ideas, please contact us at Natural Benefits. We have coaches who can help your family through Zoom instruction if you need further assistance. We are glad to help!

Raelynn Torzone is Chief Nutrition Practitioner at Natural Benefits in Annapolis, MD.  

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