
😴 Meet Local Pediatric Sleep Consultant Nurse Taylor The Parent Coach

Nurse Taylor helps families with kids who have sleep issues

By Laura McElwain Colquhoun, Publisher Mom, Macaroni KID Pasadena-Severna Park-Glen Burnie July 10, 2024

We all know our kids' sleep problems and disturbances can be one of the most frustrating aspects of child-rearing. Kids don't sleep and then parents can't sleep, and everyone in the house is miserable. 

To help with sleep issues you might be having with your kids, from newborn to age 7, MacKID chatted recently with local Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Nurse Taylor The Parent Coach. Now everyone can get some ZZZs! 

1) Let's first start by telling Macaroni KID readers what you do as a Pediatric Sleep Consultant.

I help tired parents and kids get the sleep they need and deserve! I start by asking lots of questions. What is their personality like? How are they falling asleep now? And many more questions! This helps me put together a personalized sleep plan that works best for that kiddo and their family. 

2) What is your background? Why did you choose this profession?

I knew that I wanted to be a pediatric nurse when I was in nursing school. Kids are so resilient and such a bright light in this world. After years of working with parents, I found that many parents felt so desperate to get their child to sleep and had no clue where to start. I researched different sleep training programs and completed my certification! 

PS – I was that parent at one point in time and worked with a sleep consultant too!

3) What are some common sleep problems among kids, and what do you advise?

One of the most common sleep problems for kiddos is sleep associations. This can be anything from rocking a baby to sleep, falling asleep with mom/dad in bed, etc. If a child wakes up in the middle of the night, most of the time they will need to replicate that sleep association to fall back asleep. 

4) How do you help parents with kids with sleep issues?

I develop a personalized sleep plan that uses responsive approaches to teaching healthy sleep habits.  While there are 4 main types of sleep training methods, I adjust them based on each kiddo and make it work for them and their family. I also review sleep logs to adjust nap schedules and bedtime. I answer all questions that arise while working together to make sure the family I am working with feel confident once I am no longer working with them 1:1. 

5)  What does a session with you look like? Do you meet in person or online?

Great question! I start by having the family I am working with complete an intake questionnaire. This helps me learn about the kiddo and their family. My sleep packages start with a consultation call to review the sleep plan. I offer a phone call or google meet. I love the google meet option because it feels more personal and I love the “face to face” part. 

I make sure to answer any questions the parent may have and then it is time to get started! Depending on the package, I am available for 2-3 weeks via text message or email for schedule adjustments, 1:1 support, plan changes if needed (we can change our approaches if something is not working), being a cheerleader, etc. 

6) Now let's go into some specific questions directly from local parents, and thank you to those who submitted questions.

 "How do I support older kids (ages 3 & 5) who won’t go to sleep independently anymore? All previous attempts have failed. We have tried things for weeks at a time with no success."

I find that older kids really need a more hands on approach. It helps to "prep" them about the changes that will be happening and really hyping them up about why sleep is so important. My sleep plans for older kiddos take longer to reach full independence because I like to build their confidence while slowly pulling back a parent’s presence. 

"How do you get a 6-year-old to stay in her bed all night when she gets up almost every night and climbs into bed with you? And you don’t always hear it to bring her back to her own bed because you’re asleep? She claims she gets up because she had a bad dream but…every night?"

I would first ask what her bad dreams are about? Is she afraid of her room? Is there a specific fear? I would also want to know if she is falling asleep independently at night or if a parent is present in the room until she falls asleep? It is hard when you don't hear her at night! 

I would have a conversation with her about those middle of the night wake ups and give her a job. Her "job" in the middle of the night will be to snuggle her blanket and roll back over to sleep. This is something that will take repetition. I would tell her to wake you up at night if she wakes up so you can walk her back to tuck her back in. Each time, make it boring and remind her of her "job” to grab her blanket to snuggle and to roll over and to close her eyes. Consistency is key!

"Physical touch is one of my elementary-aged son's love languages, and he's a big hugger and snuggler. He can't go to sleep well without feeling human touch. How do we transition him to falling asleep on his own?" 

Snuggles are the best! I would spend lots of 1:1 time during your bedtime routine giving snuggles and hugs. Fill his cup every night! And when he wakes in the morning, give him a big hug and a morning snuggle. I would start by slowly pulling back that touch over a period of time. 

Start by sitting next to him and rubbing his back for a few days. Then you can hold his hand for a few days. Then you can rub his back every now and then for a few days. Do you see a pattern? You could also try a child approved weighted blanket so he can feel like he is being hugged at night. 

7) Thank you, Taylor! How do families get in touch with you? What is the first step for parents when working with you?

I love meeting new families! You can reach out via email at, any of my socials (FB and IG: @NurseTaylorTheParentCoach), or my website

You can schedule a free consultation call to see if working together is a good fit! If you are ready to jump right in, you can select the sleep package that best fits your needs, and we can get started right away!